SEND – Sensory or Physical Needs

Some children and young people require special educational provision because they have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of the educational facilities generally provided. These difficulties can be age related and may fluctuate over time. Many children and young people with vision impairment (VI), hearing impairment (HI) or a multi-sensory impairment (MSI) will require specialist support and/or equipment to access their learning. Children and young people with an MSI have a combination of vision and hearing difficulties, which makes it even more difficult for them to access the curriculum or study programme than for those with a single sensory impairment. Information on how to provide services for deaf blind is available through the deaf blind guidance.

Some children and young people with a physical disability (PD) require additional ongoing support and equipment to access all the opportunities available to their peers.


Physical Health Profile of Need

Needs profile 0:

No needs in this area; physical development and general health within normal levels.

Needs profile 1:

  • Shows limited fine and/or gross co-ordination skills.
  • Independently mobile without the use of aids, etc., but requires assistance for some routines/self-care skills.
  • May need support with administration of regular medication in setting.

Needs profile 2:

  • Needs some help or requires adjustments to be made to learning environment to support fine and/or gross motor skills.  Limited independence.
  • Needs assistance on stairs, etc. Not capable of running and jumping. Can sit on their own or require at most limited external support.
  • Mobile with the use of walking aids.
  • Needs daily adult support with self-care.

Needs profile 3:

  • Needs continuous help with fine and/or gross motor skills. Even with adaptations to the learning environment limited participation.
  • Needs access to wheelchair for movement either independent with chair or adult supported. Can sit when supported.
  • Requires constant adult supervision to ensure health and safety.

Needs profile 4:

  • Pupil can at best participate with a simple movement in special situations.
  • Severe limitations in head and trunk control and require extensive assisted technology and physical assistance.


Visual Profile of Need

Specialist teacher advisors are used to assessment of students with visual impairment.

Needs profile 0:

  • Vision within normal range, including when corrected by glasses 6/6-6/12.

Needs profile 1:

  • Mild impairment.
  • Mild bilateral field loss or adapted to monocular vision.
  • Navigates safely.
  • Wears patch 1-2 hours daily.
  • Colour blind.
  • Needs profile 2Moderate impairment, partial sight e.g. needs enlarged print, minimum N14.
  • Moderate bilateral field loss.
  • Has safe navigable vision in familiar areas.

Needs profile 3:

  • Severe impairment, partial sight, e.g. needs access to enlarged print N18+, most work modified.
  • Has limited navigable vision.

Needs profile 4:

  • Minimal or no sight (e.g. Braille) to access the curriculum.
  • Needs adult support for safe navigation.


Hearing Profile of Need

Specialist teacher advisors are used to assess students with hearing difficulties.

Needs profile 0:

  • Hearing within normal limits.

Needs profile 1:

  • Mild hearing loss (e.g. conductive or unilateral hearing loss).
  • Can hear clear voice without amplification.

Needs profile 2:

  • Moderate hearing loss, uses post-aural aids, non-verbal cues for communication.

Needs profile 3:

  • Severe hearing loss needs aids e.g. radio aids/ sound filed systems for curriculum access.
  • May use signing as aid to communication.

Needs profile 4:

  • Very limited functional hearing for speech despite aids.
  • Signing indicated as appropriate / Signing as first language.