Year 10 Work Experience

Mrs Etherington deals with all aspects of work experience. All forms and queries must go through her. If you have any questions or problems about your child’s work experience then please don’t hesitate to contact her at any time between now and the end of the work experience fortnight.

She can be reached at school:

Telephone No:  02392 364536 ext 164

Email:  [email protected]

Fax:  02392 364537


Work experience will take place from:

Monday 29th June to Friday 10th July  2020

Please avoid booking holidays in this time as this is a valuable experience for your child which we cannot provide at any other time.

Work Experience Launch

Thursday 21st November 2019 6pm to 7pm

The process for work experience can for some students take several months for them to secure a placement.  Students are encouraged to contact employers direct to enquire about placement opportunities.  It is worth noting that several schools in Portsmouth can be out at the same time as us, unfortunately this cannot be avoided.  Bearing this in mind if students have a specific job that they would like to try then we suggest that they make contact as soon as possible.  The sooner this process is started by students they are likely to have more choice of employers to contact and securing a placement of their choosing.

Forms are available from Mrs Etherington in the Information Centre for completion.

Completed forms must be handed into Mrs Etherington by MONDAY 3RD FEBRUARY 2020

It is really important that parents support their child through the work experience process.

As mentioned previously securing an Own Placement really is the best way to guarantee your child has a positive Work Experience.  Please remember this is an experience of work and it is not always feasible to obtain experience in a possible future career pathway, so it may be worth your child looking at something that will give them experience suitable for part time work for when they are at college or looking for an apprenticeship.

Students must contact the employer 4 weeks before starting their placement to check that the employer is still expecting them and that everything is in place (sometimes staff leave or changes jobs) which is why we recommend regular contact.  Students will be reminded to do this on several occasions leading up to the start date, to avoid any issues so that your child is clear about:

  • Start and Finish times
  • Dress code
  • Name of person to ask for on the first day
  • Job role
  • Time of lunch breaks

We will also email a reminder to parents.  It is also essential that if your child is making their own way to the placement they have a practise run beforehand (half term/weekends are ideal for doing this), check bus times if applicable, route etc.

Students will also take part in a ‘Preparation for Work’ Day on Thursday 15th March 2018 where they will have the opportunity to come into school in business dress suitable for an interview with a local employer as part of giving students experience of talking about themselves.  Students will have prepared a CV which will be given to the employer before hand as part of the ‘Mock Interview’, other activities include Presentation Skills, Communication & Team Building Skills, Careers and Finance.

Many thanks in advance for your support in making this a valuable experience for your child!