SEND School Offer

At Admiral Lord Nelson School:

  • we believe that all children and young people are entitled to an education that enables them to achieve their best.
  • we will encourage students to enjoy their learning and leisure activities to help them lay the foundation for a happy adult life.
  • staff are committed to providing a suitable curriculum to meet the needs of all of our students.
  • staff will actively work to ensure that students are safe in all aspects of their life, establishing a secure and supportive environment in which to grow and develop.


How and what will my child be taught?

At Admiral Lord Nelson School we strongly believe in educating the whole child and developing skills essential for them to lead a successful and fulfilling life after school.

We teach a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum accessible for all students and promoting high expectations.

It is differentiated to promote engagement and provide appropriate challenge. It is flexible; continually adapting to the changing needs of our students; celebrating achievement and reflecting the community we serve.
The Admiral Lord Nelson School curriculum is delivered using a variety of teaching and learning styles aimed at supporting and guiding the individual development of each student.

You can read the full Admiral Lord Nelson School SEND Policy and the latest SEND Information Reports below.


At Admiral Lord Nelson School we recognise students as having Special Educational Needs if they have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age or a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools.

At Admiral Lord Nelson School we use all of the information available to us to help us understand the full picture.

This may include;

  • Transition information from a previous school,
  • Reports from specialist teachers and outside agencies,
  • Formal test results and assessments.
  • All students in Year 7 will complete a baseline testing process to allow initial assessment of key skills in literacy and numeracy, along with wider elements.  This information, alongside specific baseline assessment in Maths and English, is used to identify areas of need and any support which may be required.

At Admiral Lord Nelson School teachers make regular assessments of all students and identify students making less than expected progress in relation to others of the same age and circumstances. The social needs of students are also regularly reviewed by tutors.

At Admiral Lord Nelson School students with Special Educational Needs may be characterised by progress which:

  • Is significantly slower than peers starting from the same baseline.
  • Fails to match or better the student’s previous attainment.

Mr S Fenner is the SENCO and Director of Alternative Provision for Admiral Lord Nelson School. He can be contacted through reception on 02392 364536 or via the contact form on this site, here.

Students with special educational needs may be identified by their inclusion in one or more of the following groups. Click on each link to find out more.

At Admiral Lord Nelson School we welcome your views about your child’s learning and wellbeing. If you are worried about your child’s learning or wellbeing please talk to us.

At Admiral Lord Nelson School we will listen to what you say and together make a decision about what to do next. Initial meetings will take place with your child’s tutor. The tutor will be able to offer advice about how to access relevant information or support, or if necessary find out more information from specialist staff and discuss any additional options further with you.

Mr Morgan (SENCO) can also be contacted through Reception – 02392 364536

You can find full information on the kind of support available on our Send Support page

At ALNS teaching and learning and the progress made by students with Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND) is a core part of the professional development of all staff

Any related staff development needs are identified and addressed throughout the year and annually in the School Improvement Plan.

Expertise and resources to address SEND are regularly reviewed and built upon to improve whole school provision through the School Improvement Plan.

You can find more information about the extra support available at Admiral Lord Nelson School on this page

Please contact Mr S Fenner (SENCO and Director of Alternative Provision) or Mr S Fenner (Assistant Headteacher: Inclusivity) in the first instance, either through Reception or using the contact page on this site.

Our SEND Governor is Ms Justeen White who can be contacted through the Reception at School 02392 364536.

The school’s complaints policy can be found below or requested from Reception.

Complaints Policy

You can read about Portsmouth City Council’s Local Offer on the link below: