Welcome to the COMPUTER SCIENCE Department
To take Computer Science as an option, we would strongly recommend that students will need to be on target to achieve at least a Grade 6 in their Maths.
What do I need to know or be able to do before taking the Computer Science option?
An interest or desire to learn about key computing concepts and programming
A willingness to explore new ideas
The ability to work independently
Students need to be hardworking, motivated and organised
What are the benefits of taking this course?
- Prepares students for learning, working and living in an increasingly digital world
- Develops creativity, logical thinking, independent learning and self-evaluation
- Gives students a chance to build small, useful programmes
- Teaches computing which is of enormous importance to the economy and focuses on computer technologies that are relevant in the modern world
- Gives a thorough grounding in computing, creating opportunities for students to move on to ALevels,
vocational courses, industry recognised IT qualifications and employment - Supports progress in other areas such as Technology, Science, Engineering and the creative industries
- Teaches students how to think computationally
Component 1: Computer Systems - Exam
- Systems Architecture
- Memory and Storage
- Computer Networks, Connections and Network Security Protocols
- Systems Software
- Ethical, Legal, Cultural and Environmental Impacts of Digital Technology
Time: 90 minutes
50% of the total GCSE
Component 2: Computional Thinking, Algorithms and Programming - Exam
- Algorithms
- Programming Fundamental
- Producing Robust Programs
- Boolean Logic
- Programming Languages and Integrated Development Environments
Time: 90 minutes
50% of the total GCSE