Year 6 Summer Holiday Project: English

13 Jul 23

Your summer holiday English task:

  • At primary school, you have been reading the novel called ‘Some Sunny Day’ by Adam Baron.
  • Over the summer holidays, your task is to complete two activities on this book. The main activity also has an opportunity to win a prize from Portsmouth FC – see below!
  • You need to spend at least 2 hours over the holiday completing the main task and another of your choice.
  • These pieces of work will be collected in by your new English teacher at Admiral Lord Nelson school and will be used for a display in the school building in September.
  • When you return to school in September, you will also be doing some work on this novel and so this is helping you to feel prepared for this.

Don’t worry if you didn’t do this book at primary school! The tasks highlighted below are ones that anyone can do.



Main Task:

In ‘Some Sunny Day’, the main character, Cym, receives a signed football shirt from his favourite team.
Your task over the summer is to design a football shirt that represents you. Be creative! You can design your shirt in any way that you want! This activity is a competition that is being run by Portsmouth School Library Service. The winning entry will win a Portsmouth shirt signed by the current team which will be presented by Alan Knight.


Optional Tasks:

Finish the book ‘Some Sunny Day’ which you started at primary school. When you are finished, write a book review about the novel, explaining what you liked about it and whether you would recommend it to another child.
Design your own front cover for the story ‘Some Sunny Day’. Make sure that you use an eye-catching title and interesting images.
Write a description of Portsmouth as if you are the only person in the city – similar to the activity you completed on transition day. Make sure that you present your description neatly with correct punctuation and grammar. Make sure that this description is no longer than 2 sides of A4. You could draw an image of the abandoned city to go with your description.


Please complete the main task (creating a football shirt) and at least one other task from the options given