Key Stage 3 Careers Programme

In years 7-9 students will develop their skills for success through the Aspiring Futures Programme, Personal Development Days and additional events. Students will learn how to transfer these skills into lessons, to increase their awareness of personal strengths and interests to support learning and development.   Our Careers education and guidance programme will help students to make informed choices about their future.

Year 7

Champion tutoring
  • Each student is assigned a mentor (tutor) who supports them with aspirations, progression and other aspects of super- and extra-curricular development.
Careers lessons in AF
(Aspiring Futures lessons)
  • Progressive careers education lessons following the CDI CEIAG Framework: exploring careers; exploring personal skills and qualities; investigating career information using external websites, and more.
Mentoring Day and Careers
  • Parents and students are invited to attend our annual Careers Fair to meet local colleges, training providers and employers and discover what opportunities are available after they leave school.
Careers @ ALNS Instagram
  • It’s never too early to start thinking about your future – make sure to like and follow our Careers page on Instagram.
Careers events, visits and
  • Run throughout the year and announced via tutors, on our Instagram page and in the parent and Student Bulletin.
Extra- and Super-curricular
  • After-school clubs are a great way to discover what drives you! Join a club to learn new skills, make new friends and discover your passions.
  • 'Super-curricular' activities are educational activities which go above and beyond the school curriculum. This can be anything from podcasts, documentaries, trips to a museum, books, magazines, online programmes and more. “Careers” page on our school website has ideas from Oxford and Cambridge Universities.
Y7 Careers Week
(*Y7 only)
  • A week with a focus on careers and futures: subject-related careers activities in lessons; whole cohort “Careers Speed Networking” event; careers assembly. It’s time to get excited about your future!

 Year 8

Same as Year 7, plus the following:  
Careers PD Day –
“Dragons Den”
  • This off-timetable Enterprise Day will develop students’ teamworking, presenting and business and enterprise skills.
Careers assembly
  • An encounter with a provider of Technical Qualifications and Apprenticeships (date and provider TBC).

Year 9

Same as Year 7, plus the following:  
Careers PD Day –
“KS4 Options Taster”
  • This off-timetable day will provide students with KS4 subject tasters as well as key information on Post-16 pathways, in particular Higher and Technical Education and Apprenticeships.
Careers assembly
  • An encounter with a provider of Technical Qualifications and Apprenticeships (date and provider TBC).
KS4 Options Evening
  • Students and Parents are invited into school for an Information Event about KS4 options being offered at ALNS.